Roustabout Services
in Midland and Odessa, Texas
Comprehensive Roustabouts Services in Midland, Texas for the Local Oilfield Industry
Excellence, Integrity, Accuracy, and Efficiency.
These are the values Big Mike Roustabout and Construction embodies across their company. From the owners and management of the firm to each roustabout and field workers in the Big Mike team strives to continue maintaining and enhancing standards of excellent performance across the board.
A long-held career and hands-on experience in the oil and gas industry, working across various oilfields has allowed us to streamline our capabilities. Our insights and expertise within the field enable us to guide our roustabout division, making high-quality skills of our team accessible to clients in Midland and surrounding areas.
Regardless of the oilfield and the intensity of the work it requires, our roustabout team can undertake repairs, maintenance, and other related jobs. Whether you need them to operate heavy machinery or enforce JSA processes, they are well-equipped to carry out their duties.
Roustabout Division
For information on our services call (432) 247-1281
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A Team of Highly Trained Roustabouts
For Big Mike, our team’s expertise and skills are of the utmost importance. It allows us to offer clients an opportunity to receive the best value for their investment. All our roustabout employees are vetted through a rigorous process that tests and assesses their skills.
We further provide training and learning opportunities to further enhance and increase their productivity, performance, and knowledge of the field. This allows them to carefully manage oilfield operations.
Additionally, they are well-versed in the safety procedures with the skills to handle dangerous and hazardous materials and carry out secure operations. The performance of our roustabout services in Midland, Texas, is detrimental to our clients’ turnkey projects, whether they involve products, construction, repair, or maintenance within the oil and gas industry.
Some of their capabilities include heavy equipment operations, gin truck, backhoe, forklift, and man-lift operations, field cleanups, equipment replacements, spreading gravel, power washing, total site reclamation, ongoing maintenance, safety monitoring, and much more.
Get in touch with the Big Mike team to learn more about our Roustabout services in Midland, Texas, surrounding areas, and New Mexico.